Breaking the news to an owner with a property for lease, you are closed for Christmas

Season #1 Episode #108

Welcome back to another Q&A Friday episode, brought to you by the amazing team at Inspection Manager who are always looking for ways to make the lives of Property Manager easier. In this week’s episode, I answer a question from a property manager who is a little worried about how to tackle the subject with her clients who have properties available over Christmas.  She says “For the first time, our office is going to be closing between Christmas and New Year.  We have a plan in place for our current renters and I’m confident we will be able to manage this space really well, including any emergencies that crop up.  It’s the properties for lease I am worried about.  I am not sure how to tell  owners we won’t be opening their properties for 10 days. Do you have a script we can use?” If you have a question you would like answered, please head over to, click the 'Free Stuff' tab, scroll to the bottom of the page, submit your question and we’ll answer it for you on Q&A Friday!