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What's stopping you from increasing your fees?
Management fees are always a hot topic for anyone in property management but at the moment, there is even more discussion happening (for obvious reasons). Like with most businesses, costs have increased dramatically...
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Try this, to shut down a common complaint about PMs
If we asked 50 property management businesses to talk about their point of difference, we could reasonably expect all 50 would bang on about how great their communication is.
But... if we asked 50 of their clients to...
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5 Emerging Trends in Renter Behaviour to Share With Your Owners
One of the things a property manager will often struggle with, is demonstrating their value to a client. So many in the industry work incredibly hard but are left feeling under-appreciated by their clients. They...
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So you've bought a rent roll... 3 crucial things to do during the retention period
We are at the start of a new financial year in Australia when this episode drops, and because this is often the time that the sale of rent rolls will have just settled, the timing is right to share some suggestions on...
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Dealing with going "viral" for the wrong reasons
There is nothing worse than being negatively targeted online and not having the opportunity to share your side of the story. Real Estate Agents and Property Managers often find themselves depicted in the media or...
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What this agency did to turn their compliance struggle into a triumph!
It doesn't seem to matter where you are located at the moment, the rules for residential rental properties have either recently changed, are about to change or have been slated for change.
This can mean some tricky...
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3 ways to help clients appreciate everything you do
Regardless of your love language most people love to receive an unexpected gesture of appreciation for what they do. Some flowers, a box of chocolates or even a simple thank you can help fill our cup to the...
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Stop Kidding Yourself That Your Clients Need "Educating"
In this week's episode Terri shares why she thinks this way of thinking is not only outdated, but simply doesn't work. For too long, property managers have been trying "educate" their clients without success. Helping...
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Discounting advertising costs is not a point of difference
There is so much chat in the industry at the moment about the profitability of property management businesses. It's the time of year, but also the steep increases in agency expenses recently has meant that businesses...
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Where this PM went wrong with an “inherited” tenant
Without a doubt, "taking over" the management of a property with a tenant already in place, is often not as smooth or simple as a property manager would. After all, owners generally switch agencies because there has...
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The Formula for Breaking Bad News to an Owner
Nobody likes having to deliver bad news. And Property Managers, well, we have to deliver more than the average person.
Knowing that the client's reaction is probably not going to be the best, can make us feel really...
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Should your "go to" be to call EVERY time?
Have you ever heard the boss of a property management team say in despair... "If only they would just pick up the phone, we wouldn't have this problem".
It seems to be a common misconception that property managers...
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