How do we deal with angry tenants who miss out on properties and then take it out on us?

Season #1 Episode #60

Welcome back to another Q&A Friday episode, brought to you by the amazing team at Inspection Manager who are always looking for ways to make Property Managers lives easier. This weeks question is: "In our area, there is a huge shortage of available properties. We have multiple tenants applying for every property and so many people get really angry when they miss out. I feel bad for them but can't do anything to help. And my boss is having to deal with so many complaints which he is not happy about. Is there anything I can do to stop them taking their frustration out on me?". If you'd like to have your question answered, please head over to, click 'Free Resources', scroll to the bottom of the page, submit your question and weā€™ll answer it for you on Q&A Friday!