5 Critical Conversations to have before Christmas

Season #1

This episode is released one week before most agencies finish up for Christmas.  Terri highlights the 5 Critical Conversations she believes every Property Manager should have before they close up shop for the holiday break.

In the podcast, she shares a script for each "conversation" so that you can hear not only what to say, but the tone to deliver it in.

These Critical Conversations to have are:

1. With Owners who have properties available for lease over Christmas

2. With Tenants who are moving out over the Chrissy break - super important if your office is closing

3. With those tenants who have or are moving into a property just before Christmas

4. With new tenants who are moving in during your first week back in the office

5. With tenants who have reported repairs that are not going to be actioned until the new year


Thanks go to our friends at Inspection Manager for their support with this podcast - they are always looking for ways to make the lives of property managers easier.