pmXcite - 'The Podcast'

pmXcite - 'The Podcast'

Hosted by: Terri Handy

Join Terri Handy, the mastermind behind pmXcite, this podcast is your backstage pass to the property management world. Terri holds back no punches and spills the beans on everything you've been wondering about –...


A bond was never lodged from our trust account, can we just give it back to the tenant?

Season #1 Episode #42

Welcome back to another Q&A Friday episode, brought to you by the amazing team at Inspection Manager who are always looking for ways to make Property Managers lives easier. This weeks question is: "We've just...
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The Best Of Our Productivity & Mindset Season 2021

Season #1 Episode #41

This episode is brought to you by pmXcite, where we provide Property Management solutions to growing agencies. In this episode we talk about what we learned over the past couple of months as we come to the end of our...
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How do we deal with abusive tenants?

Season #1 Episode #40

Welcome back to another Q&A Friday episode, brought to you by the amazing team at Inspection Manager who are always looking for ways to make Property Managers lives easier. This weeks question is: "How do we deal...
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Our 5 Favourite PM Tech Tools For Creating Efficiency

Season #1 Episode #39

This episode is brought to you by pmXcite, where we provide Property Management solutions to growing agencies. In this episode Terri walks you through her 5 FAVOURITE tech tools for Property Management and gives you...
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Tenant is constantly reporting maintenance & owner has had enough. I'm stuck in the middle, help!

Season #1 Episode #38

Welcome back to another Q&A Friday episode, brought to you by the amazing team at Inspection Manager who are always looking for ways to make Property Managers lives easier. This weeks question is: "I have a tenant...
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7 ways to look after your future-self for more clarity in your home and work life!

Season #1 Episode #37

"7 ways to look after your future-self for more clarity in your home and work life". In this episode we give you our top 7 ways to keep your future-self in mind so that you can show up as the best version of yourself...
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How can I gauge a Property Managers true experience when i'm recruiting?

Season #1 Episode #36

Welcome back to another Q&A Friday episode, brought to you by the amazing team at Inspection Manager who are always looking for ways to make Property Managers lives easier. This weeks question is: "I'm looking to...
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How to be ultra productive when using social media to build your rent roll - with Ellen Bathgate

Season #1 Episode #35

“How to be ultra productive when using social media to build your rent roll - with Ellen Bathgate". In this episode we bring in Ellen Bathgate, Director of Rent Roll Starter and social media queen! Ellen gives us her...
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I'm working from home with kids and we're in lockdown - help!

Season #1 Episode #34

Welcome back to another Q&A Friday episode, brought to you by the amazing team at Inspection Manager who are always looking for ways to make Property Managers lives easier. This weeks question is: "Our area is in...
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How to handle your email overwhelm!

Season #1 Episode #33

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There is a lot of tension between my team at the moment, and a lot of conflict happening. Not sure how to bring everyone together and sort it out. Any suggestions?

Season #1 Episode #32

Welcome back to another Q&A Friday episode, brought to you by the amazing team at Inspection Manager who are always looking for ways to make Property Managers lives easier. This weeks question is: "There is a lot...
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Nailing your teams internal communication!

Season #1 Episode #31

 "Nailing your teams internal communication!". In this episode we dive into how you can help your team nail their communication internally, ensuring there is very little to no room left for misinterpreation of...
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